Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What matters most to you?

We live in a world where life finds a way to live. Ever thought of what would have happened if you had take a different decision 15 years ago that might have changed where you live now, who you are and what you do everyday?

Events in life transform a person without even him/her realizing it. You change, sometimes for the better or worse, affecting everything that you see, touch, feel or sense. You start to look at things differently. A glass half full suddenly is seen as half empty or vice versa.

Most people in the world live life for living it. They go about their daily routine to do what they do everyday, sometimes even seldom realizing what is going on around them. Tired of being pushed around everyday at work, trying to fullfil their responsibilities at home, being there for the loved one as much as they can and in that hustle trying to find time for themselves without feeling guilty about it. That's a handful. Now multiply that times 20 years and you see how life can make you live according to their rules.

But, in between all these events in life, people have forgotten what they really want. Do they want Money, happiness (now really, what does happiness mean) or something more satisfying or noble? Happiness is a very loosely used term. What makes me happy one day may not make me tomorrow. So, saying that I am happy because I have the perfect job might actually turn out to be a nightmare in 6 months. Happiness is what you have based on events that happen around you daily. A collection of events that make you feel like you are on top of the world or if it is just another day in paradise (pun intended).

So, do you know what you are living for? Do you know what you really want in life (other than making sure your family is happy and your children are brought up well etc etc......you get it...right!!)
Let me know what you think.

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